
Powerful Affirmations to Start Your Day

Whether you “believe” in them or not, powerful affirmations are an essential tool in adjusting your mindset and changing your life. I mean that! Using the right words to program your subconscious mind is LIFE CHANGING. Certainly, they’ve changed mine. What does the subconscious mind have to do with it? First, who here has ever […]

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I am a scientist-turned-stylist, educator & health coach, wife & working mom. I help women feel amazing again by showing them that health doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing affair and that you don’t have to give up everything you love to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I shares easy health tips and healthy recipes here on my blog. I also offers online programs, workshops and personal health coaching. I'm so glad you're here!


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Kate Bowser Powerful Affirmations

Whether you “believe” in them or not, powerful affirmations are an essential tool in adjusting your mindset and changing your life. I mean that! Using the right words to program your subconscious mind is LIFE CHANGING. Certainly, they’ve changed mine.

What does the subconscious mind have to do with it?

First, who here has ever set a goal? {Raises hand}
And then who has set a goal and not achieved it? {Raises hand again)
Next, you set the SAME goal, and then once again don’t reach it? Okay, good, I’m not alone.

Here’s the thing: we don’t have as much control over our thoughts and behaviors as we think we do. Our subconscious mind is ultimately responsible for our actions, and our subconscious mind is literal. In other words, our subconscious believes every thought we have and word we speak. So that self-deprecating joke you make all the time? Yep, your mind believes it. Subsequently, it goes to look for evidence of it to reinforce that belief. Crazy, huh?

How Powerful Affirmations Work

If our subconscious mind believes everything we say, let’s use that to our advantage and program it with positive, uplifting beliefs. Read on for my three favorite affirmation techniques. Afterward, let me know what you think!

The Universal Success Mantra

“I expand in abundance, creativity, success, and love every day as I inspire those around me to do that same.” First of all, this one of the most powerful affirmations you can say, as it covers every aspect of your life. I read this affirmation in the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks. In this book, he discusses the concept of upper limiting. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Embrace Abundance

“I am open to receiving abundance.” Abundance is not specific to money, although if this affirmation is triggering for you, I encourage you to explore why that is. If you have negative connotations around money, I recommend the book “You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero. She explores our beliefs about money and encourages us to realize that money just makes us more of who we already are. She also teaches that “being broke serves no one, but being in abundance allows us to serve anyone.” However, I also want to emphasize that abundance could also mean time spent with loved ones, patience as a parent, or love for our partner. It is one of my favorite powerful affirmations, and I say it multiple times a day.

The “I am” Affirmation

“I am {fill in the blank}.” This is the wildcard of the powerful affirmations. Whatever you feel you are lacking, fill in the blank with that thought. Some ideas:

  • I am enough
  • I am loved
  • I am worthy of love
  • I am powerful
  • I am enough (that one is so good I had to list it twice)

In short, use this affirmation to fill in the areas in which you would like more confidence.

The key to making powerful affirmations work

Above all, for these powerful affirmations to be effective, you must believe them. You cannot say these half-heartedly, without conviction. To be sure, we are reprogramming your subconscious mind. Find the affirmations that will mean something to you and provide the change for which you are looking. 

To remind yourself to say them, consider:

  • Making them the wallpaper on your phone
  • Placing post-it notes on your mirror
  • Setting a reminder on your phone

Schedule your affirmations into the Reminders app on your phone

In conclusion, I hope that you embrace powerful affirmations as a part of your spiritual practice and find tremendous peace, success, and abundance in your life as a result.

If you enjoy this topic, I encourage you to not only check out the books I mentioned, but also this podcast.

Lastly, don’t forget to check out my other blog posts here and if you’re new to clean eating and health living and you’re looking for a daily tracker to keep you on task, download my free guide here!

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  1. Linda says:

    Loved reading the affirmations & tips on how to implement them into our lives. This 70+ year old wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother & friend is learning new things & excited to be doing so under the mentorship of her daughter…

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