
The Perfect Solution for Dry Skin [what hand sanitizer?]

As winter approaches, so too does the dry air and increased use of hand sanitizer. I don’t know about you, but this time of year wreaks havoc on my skin, and I always end up with dry skin that cracks and hurts. Last winter, I found the most fantastic solution, and I’m excited to share […]

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I am a scientist-turned-stylist, educator & health coach, wife & working mom. I help women feel amazing again by showing them that health doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing affair and that you don’t have to give up everything you love to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I shares easy health tips and healthy recipes here on my blog. I also offers online programs, workshops and personal health coaching. I'm so glad you're here!


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one simple change

As winter approaches, so too does the dry air and increased use of hand sanitizer. I don’t know about you, but this time of year wreaks havoc on my skin, and I always end up with dry skin that cracks and hurts. Last winter, I found the most fantastic solution, and I’m excited to share it below.

Why I choose to make a salve instead of using a lotion for my dry skin

The majority of lotions contain drying alcohol to help it evaporate from your skin. Using a salve based on beeswax and oils allows for moisture to penetrate and to create a barrier on your skin to trap in moisture. Prepare for your most hydrated winter skin, and say goodbye to dry skin forever!

The recipe

In a metal bowl, over boiling water:

  1. Melt 2 oz beeswax
  2. Add 1 oz coconut oil + 1 oz jojoba oil + 7 oz extra virgin olive oil
  3. Include essential oils such as lavender, patchouli, geranium, frankincense (these are known to improve skin condition)
  4. Pour into 4 oz glass jars
  5. Allow to cool and harden overnight before covering

The best DIY hand salve for dry skin

That’s it. It’s a simple and effective recipe for a product that will last you all winter. This recipe has produced enough hand salve for me to share with friends and have some leftover for the following season, so not only is it easy to make, but it’s also a very budget-friendly product. I recommend using high-quality essential oils – I get mine from Young Living.

I hope you enjoy it, share this recipe far and wide, and let me know what you think!

For more healthy living ideas, follow my blog. I cover all things Balanced Living there.

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  1. Brittany Winget says:

    I have had problems with dry hands due to eczema. I am also allergic to a lot of lotions. I made this and my hands already feel better after one use. It was so easy to make, even though I accidentally doubled the batch. It is not expensive to make. This is by far my new favorite hand salve. Totally recommend 10 out of 10. Thank you Kate.

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