Kate Bowser Benefits of a Detox

9 Benefits of a Detox Lifestyle

Be honest: When you hear the word “detox,” what’s the first thought that comes to mind? Juice cleanse? Fad diet? Total hoax? That’s what I used to think, too. In fact, I used to scoff at the idea of following any sort of detox protocol, thinking, “we have organs to do all that.” And I […]



9 Benefits of a Detox Lifestyle


Facial Mapping: What is it & how can it help?


7 Tips for Your Picky Eaters


How to Set Goals You'll Actually Hit



Have you heard the buzz about interval training, and you’re wondering, “What exactly is it, and how do I know if it’s right for me?” If this is you, read on: I spill the beans here! What is Interval Training? In the most basic sense, interval training is a workout that involves various speeds or […]

5 Reasons to Start Interval Training


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This may or may not surprise you, but I hate the word “diet.” So to tell you to follow a specific diet for a healthy gut almost feels sacrilegious. Because for me, the term “diet” so often refers to calorie-counting, and that’s a health concept I can’t get behind (I’ll save that for another blog […]

Follow this diet for a healthy gut [3 quick tips]


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I’ll be honest. Weight loss is a topic I have tried to avoid. Even before becoming a health coach, I was aware that there is a lot of shame floating around this topic. Especially for women, the pressure to look a certain way is pervasive in our culture. But at the same time, carrying around […]

5 Easy Tips for Weight Loss [that will last a lifetime]


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Kate Bowser Healthy Living

You know healthy living is a no-brainer, but you have no idea what that looks like, or how to get started? Read on, my friend. I’ve got you covered. So, what was it that lead you here? Was it a diagnosis? A number on the scale? Watching the ramifications of a loved one’s lifelong “health” […]

How to Embrace Healthy Living [follow these tips]


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