Making the Case for Natural Beauty Products

Here is where my worlds collide. Throughout my career, I have been a molecular biologist researcher, a hairstylist, a color educator, and a brand manager. And while my health journey began in college and centered mainly on weight loss, that journey eventually evolved as much as my career. As I learned, my habits and choices […]



9 Benefits of a Detox Lifestyle


Facial Mapping: What is it & how can it help?


7 Tips for Your Picky Eaters


How to Set Goals You'll Actually Hit



Creating healthy habits doesn’t have to be hard or scary. In this article we’ll explore three simple steps how to make these habits stick. So tell me: do you have a morning routine? The truth is, you do. Even if it’s not the routine you WISH you had. And the same is true for habits. […]

The Secret to Creating Healthy Habits


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I can’t wait for you to try this Berry Detox Smoothie Recipe, friend. It’s delicious and refreshing and filled with super healing and detoxifying ingredients. Need to know more? Read on, my friend! Be honest: What do you think of when you hear the word detox? For me, it used to mean following a specific program, […]

Berry Detox Smoothie Recipe


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Lunch Ideas School Edition Kate Bowser

Are you tired of coming up with new lunch ideas for school every morning? Is the hunt for matching lids making your morning routine take way longer than it needs to? Are you starting to realize you’re throwing away way too many plastic sandwich- and snack-size chip bags? Then, read on, my friend. I have […]

10 Healthy Lunch Ideas: School Edition


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As I reflect on my 43rd Birthday and all of the life lessons learned, I thought, “What better way to honor my journey than to pass those life lessons along?” I don’t pretend to have all the answers, and I’m still seeking out more life lessons to learn. When I find them, you’ll be the […]

Life Lessons Learned: 43 things on my 43rd Birthday


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I’ll be honest. Weight loss is a topic I have tried to avoid. Even before becoming a health coach, I was aware that there is a lot of shame floating around this topic. Especially for women, the pressure to look a certain way is pervasive in our culture. But at the same time, carrying around […]

5 Easy Tips for Weight Loss [that will last a lifetime]


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Kate Bowser Healthy Living

You know healthy living is a no-brainer, but you have no idea what that looks like, or how to get started? Read on, my friend. I’ve got you covered. So, what was it that lead you here? Was it a diagnosis? A number on the scale? Watching the ramifications of a loved one’s lifelong “health” […]

How to Embrace Healthy Living [follow these tips]


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