Getting more fruits & veggies into your diet doesn't have to be hard.

I don't know about you, but getting in the recommended 7-13 servings of (preferably raw) fruits & vegetables into my (and my family's) bodies everyday can be tricky. Lucky for us, we found a solution. Read on to learn how it can help you!

My secret weapon

"People who eat at least 7 servings of vegetables, and some fruits, everyday have decreased mortality from all causes by 24% and decreases in cancer rates by 33%." 

The best part?
I have a solution.

but don't just take my word for it:

"Chronic low level inflammation is the root cause of all chronic disease. Lower your inflammation, reduce your risk of disease. It’s that easy. How? Eat tons of anti-oxidants. Eat the rainbow."

- based on a study out of the UK

- Dr. Andrew Weil

How many fruits and vegetables you eat on a daily basis gives us the highest predictability of life expectancy.

- The Blue Zones survey

What's Available

The EASIEST way to get plants in your body. These contain 30 raw, dehydrated plants (plus 5 more in the vegan omega!)

Plants in a capsule (or chewable)

If you're looking for easy meal ideas that are quick and delicious, I've got you covered! Oh, and they have 15 more plants, protein and fiber.

Plants to go
(in a shake)

An aeroponic growing system that allows you to grow plants year round, inside or outside. Take back control of your food supply! 

Plants on a tower (grow year-round)

Over five years ago, I was doing all the right things, but still felt sick, sluggish, and stumped.

In my late 30s, I was well into my health journey, and yet I continued to gain weight, be consumed by cravings, had multiple sinus infections each year, took daily allergy medicine, suffered from IBS and monthly breakouts. My kids were sick as often as kids are sick (a lot), and my husband had regular migraines.

Then my friend shared with me these amazing capsules filled with raw plants. Within weeks I had more energy and my breakouts stopped, within months I was off my allergy meds, and within a year we had all but stopped getting sick, and suffering from debilitating migraines.

i can help because i've been there

Now, I want to pay it forward.

Here's What You Need

More energy throughout the day

Without any stimulants, I have felt sustained energy all day long, because my cells are finally getting the nutrients they have needed.

better immune function

Autoimmune issues like IBS and eczema calm down, while we also no longer suffer from the colds and viruses that are so common for everyone. (We haven't used antibiotics in 6+ years!)

Peace of mind

Stop worrying about how to convince your kids to eat more veggies, or trying to eat salads 3 times a day to get it all in. I'm not saying not to eat lots of plants, but I am saying that this will bridge the gap between what our bodies need everyday and what is actually possible to eat (and change your cravings in the process!)

“When I say this transformed our picture of health, it’s an understatement…
I believe it saved us!”

- Lindsaya

Feel good about getting 30-50 plants in your (and your family's) body every single day.

How does this sound?

Kickstart a healthier lifestyle by changing your cravings from their source (surprise! It's your gut!).



What I see on the reg:

Ditch the meds and afternoon coffee. Fuel your body (and cells) and watch what happens!


Decrease inflammation in all parts of your body (both inflammation you can feel and that at the cellular level).


Watch your immune system balance out over time and say goodbye to frequent illness, doctor visits, and antibiotics!


“As a mom, giving my family the best nutrition is a top priority. And for me it was one tough job to make sure they got as much as they needed. I’m so thankful for my friend Kate for sharing this with us.”

bianca Got her whole family healthier

As soon as we got started my two little boys were so excited to be eating “gummies” with breakfast - I call that a parenting win! It felt great when we finally had to go in to the pediatrician for a check up, she was shocked to see how long it had been since our last visit. She was so excited at how healthy the boys had been. She was totally on board when I told her what we had added to our lives.

I myself saw a huge boost in my energy - not feeling the need for caffeine was a big deal. I also became more focused on planning ahead for our meals making cooking a breeze. My husband is also now a huge fan. After complaining for years about how unfit and unhealthy he felt, this one small change has really jump started him into becoming a new, healthier person. 

next case study →

“These products have changed my health!”

Jenn changed the picture of her health

I have more energy to get through a long day and I don’t suffer from common illnesses even while working in a job that requires me to support caring for children who are sick. My favorite is the omegas! I have a degenerative hip that used to cause me pain and difficulty walking. The omegas have provided relief while also clearing the brain fog and keeping me focused.

next case study →

Is This Right For You?

You're ready to feel better but don't know where to start

You feel like you're doing all the right things, but you still feel like something is missing

You know the power of phytonutrients and that there's no such thing as too many

You're tired of feeling sick and tired

you're ready to feel great

Give me some basic info about you (and/or your family), how you're feeling now and what your health goals are and I will help you make this one simple change toward the healthiest YOU ever!

Let me help you pick your bundle.

Let's connect →

is that a yes?

“If you're on the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best decision you can make.”

- Jenn